How to choose a domain name?
We have created a 3 key framework to help you choose the best domain name for your business.
Make it short and easy to spell
When choosing a domain name, your web name must be short and easy to spell (ideally under 15 characters). As long domain names are hard to remember, they are prone to more typos.
Use keywords in your domain
Keywords play a huge role in the Google search engine. You can use keyword combinations with other words to make your domain name stand out and have chances to boost your page ranking higher in search results.
Avoid Double Letters
Avoid doubled letters as it increases your chances of losing traffic to typos. For example, a domain like will be more prone to typos and lost traffic.
How does it works?
With our domain name suggestions and availability checks in a real-time environment, you can now find creative and catchy business name ideas for your business.
The system determines which business name ideas for domains are available in the market and reflects the most relevant names to your business