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Guide to Launching Your First Blogs

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With a surge in the number of individuals venturing into the world of blogging. This guide empowers bloggers with practical insights and actionable steps to kickstart their online journey.

By answering common questions like “How do I begin?” and “How can I earn money from a blog?” Whether you want to make extra income, advertise your business, or attract customers to your physical stores.

Fundamental knowledge to know before you start a blog

Before diving into the sphere, it’s crucial to understand the basics. The term “blog” stems from “web” and “log,” initially serving as digital diaries. However, it covers many topics today, offering expertise, product reviews, and other content types.

This chapter will explain the fundamental knowledge you should know.

Common Concerns Arise

For those who are new, common concerns often arise with questions like “Is it difficult?” and “Can beginners make money?” are on many minds.

Anyone with computer or smartphone knowledge can start a blog site. They can use free online services or WordPress. These platforms assist individuals in earning money. This benefits those who wish to earn extra cash or make money in their free time.

What are the types of blogging platforms available online?

You have two primary options: Free Online Platforms and WordPress. We will examine the pros and cons of each option to help you choose the one that aligns with your goals. This applies to both personal use and business ventures.

  1. Free Online Platforms

    These are rental platform sites that you can start for free. “Blogspot” is an excellent choice of service, especially for personal blogs that don’t focus on making money. They offer a simple start without any cost.

  1. WordPress

    A popular platform with customisation options, ideal for monetising or enhancing your site with additional features.

WordPress stands out for its functionality and design capabilities but involves costs for web hosting services. While free online platforms have no initial costs, they may not offer the benefits of WordPress.

Comparison Table: WordPress vs Free Blog

Item WordPress Free Blog
Cost Incurs costs for hosting services 🔵 Started for free
Profitability 🔵 There are no restrictions on ads, and they are advantageous for attracting traffic. Many restrictions on ads and unfavourable monetisation
Attractiveness 🔵 Website structure favours SEO (search engine optimisation) 🔺 Enriched community within the platform
Design 🔵 Abundant design templates available from around the world 🔺 Limited to templates within the platform
Functionality 🔵 High functionality can be enhanced with plugins. 🔺 Basic features are available but with many limitations
Customizability 🔵 Highly customisable Customisation options are limited
User-Friendliness 🟢 Easy to use for anyone, but requires some familiarity in the beginning. 🔵 Very simple to use
Asset Ownership 🔵 If using a custom domain, all assets are owned by the user. Typically rented, not owned.



Advertisements are one of the most prevalent methods to make money from your blog. Learn the ins and outs of placing ads, attracting visitors, and generating income. We’ll explore affiliate advertising, product-based affiliate programs, and the widely used Google AdSense platform.

Here’s a flow for monetising through advertisements:

  • Place Advertisements
  • Site Visitors
  • Users Click on Advertisements/Purchase Products or Services
  • Compensation Based on Results

This simple flow illustrates how you can monetise effectively by leveraging advertisements to generate income.

Obtaining advertisements involves various methods, including:

  • ASP Affiliate Advertising: Register with affiliate-specific advertising intermediary services.
  • Product Affiliate Advertising: Enroll in programs like Amazon Associates or Rakuten Affiliate, which offer product-based affiliate advertising.
  • AdSense Advertising: Register with Google AdSense, a widely used platform for contextual advertising.

Once you register (may require approval), the management interfaces will provide you with advertising tags to display ads. Place these tags strategically within your blog to display the advertisements on your content. This process allows you to efficiently integrate ads from various sources and maximise your blog’s revenue potential.

Benefits of starting a blog website

Beyond the potential for income, managing a blog brings several benefits. Discover how blogging helps you use your hobbies, enhance skills (like writing and web marketing), and earn money with less effort. Discover why starting a blog is an ideal side gig, offering flexibility and anonymity.

  1. Utilising hobbies

    By crafting articles centred around your hobbies, you draw from personal insights, making it easier to generate engaging content. This approach often leads to higher-quality writing compared to tackling unfamiliar topics.

    Moreover, blog content’s versatility opens advertising opportunities across various genres, allowing you to showcase your favourite products and services seamlessly.

  1. Leading to skill improvement

    Managing a blog can be challenging but brings valuable skills applicable to your daily work. Writing articles and navigating trial-and-error hones your writing abilities. Good at creating exciting content, helping make presentations and writing short texts for everyday work.

    Improved communication spills over into work-related emails and chats. Furthermore, blog management enhances skills in website creation and web marketing, encompasses attracting visitors and exploring monetisation avenues, contributing to your broader skill set.

  1. Earning income semi-automatically

    Successfully monetising your blog allows for semi-automatic income generation. Earning money takes time and effort, but your blog can make money while you do other things. Recognising that consistent income from a blog requires ongoing attention is crucial. Regular maintenance and article updates are essential to sustaining earnings.

  1. Easy to start as a side job

    You can start writing a blog post by using a smartphone. This makes it ideal for individuals who want to earn money during their free time. During your lunch break or commute, you can plan the article’s title, headings, and direction. Then, you finish the main content later at home.

I recommend blogging as a side gig because you can operate anonymously without using your real name. Many individuals successfully earn from blogging without revealing their identity or showing their face, alleviating concerns about exposure or identification.

Launching your first blog may seem daunting, but with this comprehensive guide, you’re well-equipped to navigate the exciting world of blogging. This guide helps you to have background knowledge before you start a successful blog for personal passion, extra income, or skill improvement.