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IP Addresses: Guarding Your Privacy

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It’s a common misconception that knowing someone’s IP address reveals their personal information or address. In reality, extracting personal details from an IP address is challenging.

A “caller information disclosure request” procedure is necessary to uncover sender information from an IP address. You must file the request with the court, which is costly and time-consuming.

This article clarifies that determining an address directly from an IP address is not feasible and provides insights into the legal procedure involved in requesting caller information disclosure. This knowledge is crucial for dispelling misconceptions about the level of detail obtainable from an IP address and understanding the legal steps required for such information retrieval. 

Unable to obtain personal information by IP address alone

In typical usage scenarios, determining addresses from IP addresses is not possible.

The Personal Information Protection Act governs Internet Service Providers (ISPs) responsible for assigning IP addresses. To extract an address from an IP address, a legal process known as a “caller information disclosure request” is necessary. This request is grounded in Article 4 of the Provider Liability Limitation Act and is usually initiated in cases of slander or defamation.

While this procedure allows for disclosing information about users associated with a specific IP address during a given timeframe, it’s a complex process that takes approximately three months to complete. As a result, obtaining such information through a caller information disclosure request can be challenging and time-consuming.

Information obtained from IP address

Although they aren’t directly assigned to countries, global IP addresses can offer country-specific location insights. Instead, regional Internet registries (RIRs), overseen by ICANN, manage global IP address distribution.

Identifying the entity behind an IP address involves investigation, and tools like CMAN’s IP search page can unveil the associated organisation. This information then guides the process of seeking sender information disclosure.

In addition to revealing the organisation, the IP address provides details like the Internet Service Provider (ISP), line specifics, operating system (OS), and device information. Analysing the IP address allows one to determine the user’s device type—whether it’s a “computer,” “smartphone,” or “tablet.” Further insights include browser type, OS, link source URL, and monitor resolution.

Furthermore, you can check your contracted provider and line information from the IP address. While it doesn’t disclose your physical address, exploring other information can be valuable.

Request for disclosure of sender information

Typically, determining a user’s address directly from their IP address is challenging due to ISPs not readily disclosing such information. However, acquiring the address associated with a global IP address becomes possible through a process known as a caller information disclosure request. This procedure involves specific steps to obtain the necessary information about the user’s location linked to the provided IP address.

Seven specific requirements must be satisfied to request disclosure of caller information:

  1. Communication over the Internet
  2. Victim of Slander or Defamation
  3. Obvious Violation of Rights
  4. Legitimate Reason for Request
  5. Action Against Businesses and Servers
  6. Applicability to Sender Information
  7. Possession of Caller Information

If you experience slander or defamation through online communication, you can request the disclosure of the sender’s information from the ISP, operator, or server, provided the outlined requirements are met.

Please note that caller information is information encompasses the following details:

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Caller IP address or port number combined with IP address
  • Mobile terminal internet connection service user identification number
  • SIM card identification number
  • Call time (timestamp)

Procedure flow

The procedure for requesting disclosure of sender information involves the following steps:

  1. Preserve Evidence of Slander and Defamation

    Collect and save evidence of slander and defamation, such as URLs and screenshots, as some web services may delete content after a certain period.

  1. Request IP Address and Time Stamp from Site Operator

    Approach the site operator to request the offensive content’s IP address and time stamp.

  1. Identify the Caller’s ISP from the IP Address

    Use the obtained IP address to identify the offending user’s Internet Service Provider (ISP).

  1. Request Information Disclosure and Storage of Access Logs from ISP

    Submit a request to the ISP to disclose information related to the offending user. Additionally, request the ISP save access logs, typically deleted after about three months.

  1. ISP Discloses Caller’s Personal Information

    Upon compliance with the request, the ISP discloses the caller’s personal information involved in the slander or defamation.

It is crucial to act swiftly, given that web services may remove content and access logs are regularly purged. Ensuring the preservation of evidence and timely communication with both the site operator and ISP are crucial elements of this process.


To initiate the request for disclosure of sender information, filing a petition for provisional disposition with the court is necessary. However, this process involves financial considerations:

When requesting the court to issue a provisional disposition order, a security deposit is mandatory. The court determines the specific amount of the security deposit, which varies based on the case’s particulars.

If you opt to engage a lawyer to handle the request for disclosure of caller information, additional costs will be incurred. Legal fees for this process depend on the law firm providing representation and can vary. It’s important to be aware of these financial aspects and be prepared to cover the security deposit mandated by the court and potential legal fees if you seek legal representation. The exact amounts will be determined by the circumstances of your case and the policies of the court and legal professionals involved.

Required period

Requesting disclosure of caller information is indeed a time-consuming process, but recent legal revisions have streamlined the procedure. Formerly a two-step process, it has been consolidated into a single step since the legal system in April 2021.

While this modification has significantly reduced the processing time from approximately nine months to around three months, it is important to note that the overall duration remains substantial, spanning several months. The complexity of confirming an address from an IP address contributes to the extensive timeline, necessitating a thorough and meticulous procedure. Patience and adherence to the established legal process are crucial throughout this duration.

Risks and consequences of revealing your IP address

Discovering your IP address poses certain risks and consequences, including:

  • Fictitious billing

    Beware of scams claiming your personal information was obtained through your IP address. In reality, your IP address is easily accessible when you’re online, but it doesn’t reveal your details like name or address.

    Stay vigilant against one-click fraud and avoid falling victim to deceptive charges.

  • Cracking

    Knowing your IP address could lead to security threats, such as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack targeting open ports. In a DDoS attack, multiple devices are used simultaneously to overwhelm and disrupt targeted devices, causing internet access issues or slowing down communications.

    Open ports are also risky, as attackers might exploit them to hijack or compromise devices. To mitigate these risks, avoiding unnecessary port openings and prioritising security measures to prevent potential damages is crucial.

Understanding the link between IP addresses and personal information is crucial. Without a specific request for caller information disclosure, your address cannot be identified through your IP address.

An IP address functions as an internet address for connected devices. However, the connection between this global IP address and an actual address is known only to the Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISPs are bound by the Personal Information Protection Act to safeguard users’ addresses and names. They will only reveal caller information upon receiving a proper disclosure request.

In essence, discovering an address from an IP address necessitates a formal disclosure request. It is the sole legitimate way to obtain such information. Ensure accurate knowledge about IP addresses and use the internet responsibly.