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How do you acquire your domain?

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Do you need help knowing how to proceed when acquiring your domain for a website or email? This article summarises how to obtain it and what to prepare to eliminate such concerns.

Before acquiring a domain

A domain is like an address on the internet, which is necessary for publishing a website and using email.

To understand this further, please read the following articles, Decoding Domains: Understanding Their Meaning, Types, and Uses.

A domain is the digital doorway to an online presence in many ways. It provides an identity and serves as a portal through which information is exchanged, websites are hosted, and emails are sent and received. Choosing a domain name can be a strategic decision, as it can convey a brand, purpose, or even the essence of a website.

Understanding the significance and potential of domains is crucial for making informed decisions in the digital realm. Whether you’re a business owner or an individual seeking to establish an online identity, delving deeper into the world of domains can provide valuable insights into the internet’s vast landscape.

A Quick Guide: Acquiring a Domain

Obtaining a domain name is a straightforward process, although it may have slight variations depending on your domain registrar. Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide on how to acquire a domain:

  1. Decide on a Domain Name
  2. Apply with a Domain Registrar
  3. Set Up Name Servers

Note: If you only do till step 2, you cannot use it on the website or by email. The settings in step 3 above are definitely required. Settings are simple; your domain registrar often allows you to configure these settings through their platform. It’s crucial to ensure that your name servers point to your web hosting provider or any other services you intend to use with your domain.

Once you have a domain, you can set it up immediately. By making these settings, you can use websites and e-mail. Please note that even if you set it up, you must wait to use it; it may take several hours.

Three tips for choosing a domain name

Acquiring a domain is a significant decision in your online journey, and it’s essential not to take it lightly. While it’s true that domains are generally non-refundable, and changing them after you’ve established your online presence can be cumbersome, it’s crucial to choose the right domain from the outset.

Here’s why it’s essential to give it some thought:

  1. Irreversible Decision

    Once you’ve registered a domain, it’s generally challenging to cancel or change it. It’s a commitment to your online identity, and you should be prepared to stick with it for the long term.

  1. Impact on SEO and Branding

    Changing your domain name after you’ve started using it for your website or email can be problematic. It may necessitate redoing various aspects, such as SEO strategies, and can disrupt your established online presence; this could result in losing traffic, ranking, and brand recognition.

  1. Preparation is Key

    Before embarking on the domain acquisition process, it’s wise to ask yourself key questions:

    • “What kind of blog or email address do I want to create?”
    • “Is the domain name easy to remember and understand?”

There are several tips for choosing a domain name, but the three most popular ones are:

  1. Short and easy to understand

    We recommend keeping it as short as possible so that it will be manageable when used by various people. Since you can choose your original name, choose something easy to understand and associate with it. Note the upper limit is to be 63 characters.

  1. Indicates the characteristics of the information and services provided on the website

    No matter how easy it is to understand, if you choose a name that has nothing to do with the content of your blog or homepage, it will be difficult for users to connect the domain name with the content of your website.It may be a simple name, but it may not be able to fulfil its role as an instantaneous gateway to convey the website’s content to users.

  1. Make it unique

    There is alot of competition when acquiring a domain for a business. Your product or services will be known if you do something to stand out among the many sellers.Of course, you should avoid names that make users uncomfortable and choose a domain name that thoroughly describes the benefits you want to highlight. It would be good to research business domains that could be your rivals.

You may use our service to get ideas on choosing your domain name.

How to choose a domain registrar to register my domain name

If you search on Google, you’ll find many comparison articles and domain-related information; this makes you even more confused about which one is better.

We advise choosing a domain registrar with a proven track record; long-established companies handling domains for a long time have accumulated technical know-how.

Therefore, if you are using the service for the first time and have a lot of anxiety, it may be a good idea to keep this in mind when choosing a service, as it will make a difference in the support you receive when you have a problem.


First, let’s get your domain to express yourself or the organisation you belong to and achieve what you want! The acquisition procedure is relatively easy.

Get a unique domain that you won’t find anywhere else, and start having fun creating your blog, homepage, email address, etc